Sutra™ magazine’s editor in chief, Dr. Terrence Kommal was recently selected to profile on Who’s Who of Southern Africa. For the past 99 years Who’s Who of Southern Africa has strived to profile individuals in Southern Africa who, through their own expertise, genius and powerful efforts, have achieved more than most.
The database has become more representative of Southern African society with each passing year, as we endeavour to reflect the changing values of the region and contextualize the accomplishments of its citizens. Many in depth biographies are featured and compiled from information provided by the subjects.
The database includes an array of recognized South African leaders including Mr. Thabo Mbeki: President of the Republic of South Africa; Mr. Nelson Mandela: Former State president of the Republic of South Africa; Mr. Tokyo Sexwale: Non Executive Chair: Mvelaphanda Holdings; Mr. Mahesh Amarath: Chief Executive Officer DISA Hotels (Pty) Ltd; and Mrs. Helen Zille: Executive Mayor of the City of Cape Town.Achievement is not only about rank, title and wealth; it is about a great deal more. Who’s Who of Southern Africa wants to be sure that we include our leaders, our achievers, our champions and our heroes in equal measure.
Dr. Kommal meets these requirements in more ways that one.
He is a martial arts exponent with more than 12 years experience in the Shotokan style of the arts, and had been invited twice to the world championships. He was also a youth member of the Durban City Council and had undergone many training courses as offered by the council.
He has also served in the SANDF for many years as a commissioned officer and his specialised training in various fields including Specialised Field and Urban Insurgence Combat, Nuclear Chemical and Biological Warfare Disaster Management, various other United Nations courses. He further specialised in International Operations via UNITAR, United Nations and was admitted to the International Roll of HonourDr. Kommal’s academic career started early with him pursuing parallel degrees. At this moment he holds various qualifications including a Doctorate Degree, and various other legal and medical qualifications.
His academic excellence has been crowned and commended by being Nominated for full membership of the South Africa Royal Society, by Prof. Daya Reddy, Dean of Science and recipient of the South African Highest National Order - Mapungubwe Order. He was then awarded full membership to the Society by the National Executive Council, in recognition of academic research and work excellence.
His exposure into the business world started as a part-time data capturer at a freighting company. He noticed on a daily basis, that millions worth of IT related goods were being sent between various levels of wholesalers and distributors, leaving the consumer to bear the costs of this long chain of distribution. At that stage he identified the need for consumers to have direct access to IT related products and consumables. Within few months of this period he became the first business owner to make IT related consumables esp. CD’s and DVD’s available directly to retail chains, including the Edcon and Massmart Groups, and from the international exporters.
Through his experiences in the IT fields he had gained much exposure and insight in the online arena and began developing various applications online. These included wedding services websites, online B2B relations, 2010 portals and various other projects.
Dr. Kommal’s excellence in these fields had gained him much acclaim and he was awarded the SABC and International Marketing Council’s Top Ten Business Entrepreneur of the Year award by Lotus FM in 2004.
His business excellence was also recognised by various international corporations including People Interactive, the multinational services company that owns brands such as Shaadi.com, the world’s largest matchmaking brand. He was offered partnerships with this and other companies for Southern Africa, but refused as he still felt that there was need to create a viable medium both into and for the Indian and related markets in South Africa.
Through the period that followed in these years, he was offered the all Africa license to publish a US based Indian Magazine, Nirvana Woman, in South Africa.
Soon after being awarded this license he met with Mr. Gavin Rajah to discuss the possibility further developing the Nirvana Magazine into a more South African product. After much deliberation and discussion they jointly decided that the Nirvana product had to be abandoned and a purely South Africa product be developed. Gavin was and is still very enthusiastic about this publication and came on board as a creative and strategic director. He took the great liberty of naming the publication as SUTRA.
Through the recent periods he has finalised the registration of subsidiary companies of Kommal Holdings, besides in South Africa, in London and Mumbai.
SUTRA Magazine look forwards to sharing further successes of this dynamic man, while he creates opportunities for South Africa using the Sutra brand as a stepping stone in the international market.
Congratulations Dr. Kommal!
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