Cindy Visagie Sales Executive, SUTRA™ Magazine on the Matters of the Heart!
What is Love?
Is it the butterflies in the stomach? Is it the ‘I can’t wait to see you’ feeling?
We all have various ways of explaining what love is, and to each one of us, ours is the only truth about love. The way we tend to see things through our minds and hearts are sometimes completely different; this is because what the head wants is not always what the heart wants.
Many a time we caught up in a situation such as this and we never really know what to do, so we tend to settle for that little voice in our heads that tells us so compellingly the way forward. As an individual I see love as life’s perfect opportunity to a greater future, to have that special person by your side and to know that he will love you regardless of all your flaws.
The one person you can run to any time of day and never will he send you away cause in his eyes you mean the world to him and he wouldn’t change that for anything. Men and women are unique creatures created in the image of their maker; the way they take on everyday life, the way they feel about a person, their touch is soft, tender, caring and warm.
When walking hand in hand with your partner on the sea shore, we some sometimes tend to doodle in the wet sand, we draw hearts and write our names; in an instant the waves washes the words away, just as this happens we can lose our love. And this is the most heartrending feeling.
To love someone is to know that person, I don’t particularly believe in ‘love at first sight’, because to me you grow to know and care for you partner. This is the greatest love of all and should not be taken lightly because pure love is hard to find; and when you found your perfect match never let him go. When that right man comes you will be sure to have found your true love, as I have found mine.
- Cindy
Thursday, December 20, 2007
SUTRA™ believes that the South African Indian community has for far too long, neglected to acknowledge the reality of Gender Based Violence. We believe that this is an issue that we as a community need to address with the highest priority. South Africa’s women and children need to be sheltered from all forms of harm, and we need to work together to ensure that this is a certainty. SUTRA™ Magazine consults with Lifeline Southern Africa on gender based violence.
How does a woman know when she is in a violent relationship?
When people talk about “domestic violence”, they usually see it as violence in the home. But, it is more than this. The definition of a “domestic relationship” includes relationships wherein two people are dating, are separated or divorced, and includes same-sex relationships.Most people also believe that domestic violence is physical violence. However, there are other types of abuse. Physical abuse includes things like slapping, hitting, shoving, stabbing, burning. There is emotional abuse, which includes things like swearing at her, threats, isolating her from family and friends. Sexual abuse includes rape, indecent assault, making her wear clothes or do sexual acts that make her feel uncomfortable.
When is it too late to get out of a violent relationship?
It is never too late to get out of an abusive relationship. The minute you start feeling uncomfortable in the relationship or feel that your partner’s treatment of you has changed (in a negative way e.g. He has become very possessive); this is the time to take a hard look at your relationship, and try and identify what is different. This may be the time to seek help or decide to end the relationship.
Is it a wifes duty to provide her husband with his conjugal rights?
On the Stop Gender Violence Helpline, the counselors get this comment a lot. We use this as an opportunity to educate these callers on their rights. Nobody has the right to abuse another. However, an abusive partner will often use this statement as an excuse for his behaviour. In actual fact, he is committing sexual abuse when he forces his partner to have sex with him, when she does not feel like it or does not consent.
Does ‘marital rape’ exist?
Yes, this is a legal term and recognized as a crime in South Africa – she can lay a charge of marital rape against him if he forces her to have sex without her consent.No man may force his wife to have sex with him against her will.
What do I do if I am in an abusive relationship and have children?
An abused woman with children needs to know what sort of effect abuse, or even just witnessing the abuse between parents, may have on the child. These parents are setting an example for their children, and are teaching these children how to treat other people. If a boy sees his father abusing his mother, he will learn that this is the way a woman should be treated. This then creates a cycle of violence that regenerates from one generation to another. The only way to ensure this doesn’t happen is to break this cycle.
So, Parents who say that they never fight in front of their children could also be traumatizing their children?
Yes, children are perceptive. They may not be seeing the abuse because they are in another room, but they can hear what is going on, see the physical signs (e.g. their mother’s bruised face) and they can sense the tension and anger in the air. Some signs that the child is traumatized could be: acting out the behaviour that he/she has seen his/her parents exhibiting; bedwetting and nightmares; shouting at the mother; fear and anxiety; social isolation.
For more information, and assistance contact Lifeline Southern Africa on 0800-150-150.
How does a woman know when she is in a violent relationship?
When people talk about “domestic violence”, they usually see it as violence in the home. But, it is more than this. The definition of a “domestic relationship” includes relationships wherein two people are dating, are separated or divorced, and includes same-sex relationships.Most people also believe that domestic violence is physical violence. However, there are other types of abuse. Physical abuse includes things like slapping, hitting, shoving, stabbing, burning. There is emotional abuse, which includes things like swearing at her, threats, isolating her from family and friends. Sexual abuse includes rape, indecent assault, making her wear clothes or do sexual acts that make her feel uncomfortable.
When is it too late to get out of a violent relationship?
It is never too late to get out of an abusive relationship. The minute you start feeling uncomfortable in the relationship or feel that your partner’s treatment of you has changed (in a negative way e.g. He has become very possessive); this is the time to take a hard look at your relationship, and try and identify what is different. This may be the time to seek help or decide to end the relationship.
Is it a wifes duty to provide her husband with his conjugal rights?
On the Stop Gender Violence Helpline, the counselors get this comment a lot. We use this as an opportunity to educate these callers on their rights. Nobody has the right to abuse another. However, an abusive partner will often use this statement as an excuse for his behaviour. In actual fact, he is committing sexual abuse when he forces his partner to have sex with him, when she does not feel like it or does not consent.
Does ‘marital rape’ exist?
Yes, this is a legal term and recognized as a crime in South Africa – she can lay a charge of marital rape against him if he forces her to have sex without her consent.No man may force his wife to have sex with him against her will.
What do I do if I am in an abusive relationship and have children?
An abused woman with children needs to know what sort of effect abuse, or even just witnessing the abuse between parents, may have on the child. These parents are setting an example for their children, and are teaching these children how to treat other people. If a boy sees his father abusing his mother, he will learn that this is the way a woman should be treated. This then creates a cycle of violence that regenerates from one generation to another. The only way to ensure this doesn’t happen is to break this cycle.
So, Parents who say that they never fight in front of their children could also be traumatizing their children?
Yes, children are perceptive. They may not be seeing the abuse because they are in another room, but they can hear what is going on, see the physical signs (e.g. their mother’s bruised face) and they can sense the tension and anger in the air. Some signs that the child is traumatized could be: acting out the behaviour that he/she has seen his/her parents exhibiting; bedwetting and nightmares; shouting at the mother; fear and anxiety; social isolation.
For more information, and assistance contact Lifeline Southern Africa on 0800-150-150.
I have a complicated matter to deal with; I am a 24 year old South African lady from Johannesburg, working in Durban. While in Durban, I found a wonderful man (25 years old) who works as an Accountant for a very prestigious firm, my problem is that he is so work orientated that I sometimes feel excluded from his life, also, we decided not to commit to each other, as we need to sort out certain issues in our lives – at least, that’s what he says! Recently I’ve been having a feeling that there is another woman in his life, he says that they are friends but who would be the wiser? PLEASE HELP!!
Dear Ashika
Keep in mind that the choices he has made may not be beneficial to you but they are to him. Generally, a 25 year old man in a position such as this is extremely career focused, and tends to neglect other aspects in his life such as relationships. Maybe at a later stage once his career is more established, he will want to commit to you. Until then, it is up to you to decide whether this man is important enough to you, to hang on and wait for him, or as the saying goes – there are many fish in the sea. As for his friend, it could be plutonic, but do not be naïve to the thought as there could be something more to it. The best thing to do is take a time out to decide what you want and whether he fits into the picture or not.
I am a 28 year old man, who is in love with a 25 year old woman. We have been friends for the passed eight years, and through all our feelings for each other, we have never been intimate with each other. My dilemma is that I have a girlfriend of 25, who I have been dating for the passed two and a half years. My friend of 25, has a boyfriend for the passed four years, and is very in love with him. I have loved this woman for as long as I can remember and have not been able to commit to anyone else. Recently she has been calling me often to go out for drinks. Should I pursue her? Please advise…
Dear Evan
You need to remember that what you are doing to your girlfriend is wrong, do you think it is wise to be in a relationship when you feel so strongly for another person. My advice to you is simple. End this relationship with your girlfriend as you are not being fair to her. Speak to your other lady friend and find out where her heart lies and take it from there. At all costs, you both should not hurt your present partners. A little selflessness won’t hurt.
I am a 40 year old woman, I have been married for the passed 18 years, and I love my husband dearly! My problem is that Sunil, my husband, just can’t keep his eyes off other women, and this hurts me so. Everyday I pray to God that this will change, but it never does. These passed few months he has started whistling at other younger women, right in front of me. I love my husband and don’t want to leave him, what should I do?
Dear Devi
As hard as this may be for you, you need to find what is lost in your relationship. Women tend to lose grip of themselves when in a comfortable relationship. Your husband may also be going through a mid life crises. Spice things up, do things out of the ordinary, and be spontaneous, and flexible. If this does not work, why not see a marriage counselor? All the best!
I have a complicated matter to deal with; I am a 24 year old South African lady from Johannesburg, working in Durban. While in Durban, I found a wonderful man (25 years old) who works as an Accountant for a very prestigious firm, my problem is that he is so work orientated that I sometimes feel excluded from his life, also, we decided not to commit to each other, as we need to sort out certain issues in our lives – at least, that’s what he says! Recently I’ve been having a feeling that there is another woman in his life, he says that they are friends but who would be the wiser? PLEASE HELP!!
Dear Ashika
Keep in mind that the choices he has made may not be beneficial to you but they are to him. Generally, a 25 year old man in a position such as this is extremely career focused, and tends to neglect other aspects in his life such as relationships. Maybe at a later stage once his career is more established, he will want to commit to you. Until then, it is up to you to decide whether this man is important enough to you, to hang on and wait for him, or as the saying goes – there are many fish in the sea. As for his friend, it could be plutonic, but do not be naïve to the thought as there could be something more to it. The best thing to do is take a time out to decide what you want and whether he fits into the picture or not.
I am a 28 year old man, who is in love with a 25 year old woman. We have been friends for the passed eight years, and through all our feelings for each other, we have never been intimate with each other. My dilemma is that I have a girlfriend of 25, who I have been dating for the passed two and a half years. My friend of 25, has a boyfriend for the passed four years, and is very in love with him. I have loved this woman for as long as I can remember and have not been able to commit to anyone else. Recently she has been calling me often to go out for drinks. Should I pursue her? Please advise…
Dear Evan
You need to remember that what you are doing to your girlfriend is wrong, do you think it is wise to be in a relationship when you feel so strongly for another person. My advice to you is simple. End this relationship with your girlfriend as you are not being fair to her. Speak to your other lady friend and find out where her heart lies and take it from there. At all costs, you both should not hurt your present partners. A little selflessness won’t hurt.
I am a 40 year old woman, I have been married for the passed 18 years, and I love my husband dearly! My problem is that Sunil, my husband, just can’t keep his eyes off other women, and this hurts me so. Everyday I pray to God that this will change, but it never does. These passed few months he has started whistling at other younger women, right in front of me. I love my husband and don’t want to leave him, what should I do?
Dear Devi
As hard as this may be for you, you need to find what is lost in your relationship. Women tend to lose grip of themselves when in a comfortable relationship. Your husband may also be going through a mid life crises. Spice things up, do things out of the ordinary, and be spontaneous, and flexible. If this does not work, why not see a marriage counselor? All the best!
SUTRA MAGAZINE gives us healthy eating tips to keep in mind this summer.
Keep it lean – Cutting as much fat and cholesterol from your diet should be your number one priority. This will also allow you to direct your attention to the four food groups, a balanced diet is all important, says SUTRA.
Exercise regularly – When on a health diet, ensure that you exercise either thirty minutes before or after you eat. That way, you do not burn the food that you just ate, but rather your fat reserves in your body.
Take in more fiber – Some of the high fiber foods that one should include in ones diet are fruit, vegetables, and whole grains. High fiber diets assist in keeping you regular, and also lower your cholesterol.
Weight control is imperative when going on a health diet – maintaining an ideal weight is extremely important, it reduces many diseases and ailments and reduces the risk of heart related illness.
Drinks on the house – We will not say, ‘stop drinking!’ But what will be said is, reduce your consumption of alcoholic beverages in you drink more than two glasses a day. Excessive amounts of alcohol will can lead to destroyed livers and also even alcohol poisoning.
Drink water – According to SUTRA we all need to drink as much water as possible, especially if you are energetic and muscular, muscle contains substantially more water than fat, which is needed to lubricate joints, regulate body temperature, and replenish bodily fluids.
Keep it lean – Cutting as much fat and cholesterol from your diet should be your number one priority. This will also allow you to direct your attention to the four food groups, a balanced diet is all important, says SUTRA.
Exercise regularly – When on a health diet, ensure that you exercise either thirty minutes before or after you eat. That way, you do not burn the food that you just ate, but rather your fat reserves in your body.
Take in more fiber – Some of the high fiber foods that one should include in ones diet are fruit, vegetables, and whole grains. High fiber diets assist in keeping you regular, and also lower your cholesterol.
Weight control is imperative when going on a health diet – maintaining an ideal weight is extremely important, it reduces many diseases and ailments and reduces the risk of heart related illness.
Drinks on the house – We will not say, ‘stop drinking!’ But what will be said is, reduce your consumption of alcoholic beverages in you drink more than two glasses a day. Excessive amounts of alcohol will can lead to destroyed livers and also even alcohol poisoning.
Drink water – According to SUTRA we all need to drink as much water as possible, especially if you are energetic and muscular, muscle contains substantially more water than fat, which is needed to lubricate joints, regulate body temperature, and replenish bodily fluids.
The South African Indian community has changed drastically in the passed few years, and I believe that most of this change has been for the better. Indian women are not expected to be submissive and subservient; we are now independent, opinionated and career orientated. The patriarchal society that the Indian community has been enveloped in is almost a thing of the past.
Yes, a full transition into a modern cosmopolitan lifestyle will not be smooth to say the least. The older generations are head strong and steadfast in their beliefs and values, and what to me or any other young Indian person is progression and growth, to elders would be complete disobedience and defiance.
As a young Indian woman, my family is my highest priority, that is, my parents and sibling. I am 22 years old and all my life I lived with my parents. I was brought up with the morals, values and love that most Indian families consciously impart to their children; in an extremely sheltered environment.
My career path took me all the way from my home town in Johannesburg to Cape Town. Needless to say, this was not my parent’s first choice for me. But, I am fortunate to have parents who were able to put their apprehension aside for my benefit. My parents and I share a wonderful relationship, we are open, to the point that we are more friends than anything else; yet through this, my respect for them still holds strong.
I believe that they are the ideal example of this transition that our Indian society is in the process of undertaking. Their actions are not motivated by a dictatorial outlook but rather by their need to see me succeed in every facet in my life. Their trust and belief in my ability to live my own life and make the right choices, allows me to take on each day with confidence.
If nothing else, let this little account be a lesson in life…
Yes, a full transition into a modern cosmopolitan lifestyle will not be smooth to say the least. The older generations are head strong and steadfast in their beliefs and values, and what to me or any other young Indian person is progression and growth, to elders would be complete disobedience and defiance.
As a young Indian woman, my family is my highest priority, that is, my parents and sibling. I am 22 years old and all my life I lived with my parents. I was brought up with the morals, values and love that most Indian families consciously impart to their children; in an extremely sheltered environment.
My career path took me all the way from my home town in Johannesburg to Cape Town. Needless to say, this was not my parent’s first choice for me. But, I am fortunate to have parents who were able to put their apprehension aside for my benefit. My parents and I share a wonderful relationship, we are open, to the point that we are more friends than anything else; yet through this, my respect for them still holds strong.
I believe that they are the ideal example of this transition that our Indian society is in the process of undertaking. Their actions are not motivated by a dictatorial outlook but rather by their need to see me succeed in every facet in my life. Their trust and belief in my ability to live my own life and make the right choices, allows me to take on each day with confidence.
If nothing else, let this little account be a lesson in life…
With summer upon us, the warm African sun beckons us to the outdoors. And as typical South Africans, we can’t help but flock to our country’s enticing beaches. If we haven’t started already, we need to begin working on our fitness to ensure that we are in tip-top shape for a fun-filled holiday season!
SUTRA Magazine clarifies 7 myths to be wary of while we jog, stretch and tone our way to a perfect body this summer.
1. Exercise equipment is better than free weightsRather than buying equipment that will cost you over R5000 each, use barbells and dumbbells to build muscles and tone your upper body.
2. Sit – ups will flatten your stomachSit ups will work on your stomach muscles and tone them, but it cannot reduce the layer of fat that covers the abdominal muscles. A healthy, balanced diet is recommended for that.
3. It is best to work out in the morningsThis is true if you are an early riser, if not, a morning routine will not work for you! It is best to work out when you most feel energetic and then try to build an exercise regime around it.
4. Stretching prevents muscle painStretching is actually used to increase blood circulation.
5. Once you stop, muscle turns to fatMuscle and fat are completely different structures; hard muscle turns into soft muscle when you stop working out, NOT FAT.
6. A twenty minute jog will work wonders for beginnersRather, walk while you run. It is easier on your joints and tendons, and you are able to work out more intensely with periodic breaks.
7. You are bound to get hurtThrough careful exercise, injury is not unavoidable. In fact, the most common factor that causes one to stop exercising and that leads to injury is, over use.
SUTRA Magazine clarifies 7 myths to be wary of while we jog, stretch and tone our way to a perfect body this summer.
1. Exercise equipment is better than free weightsRather than buying equipment that will cost you over R5000 each, use barbells and dumbbells to build muscles and tone your upper body.
2. Sit – ups will flatten your stomachSit ups will work on your stomach muscles and tone them, but it cannot reduce the layer of fat that covers the abdominal muscles. A healthy, balanced diet is recommended for that.
3. It is best to work out in the morningsThis is true if you are an early riser, if not, a morning routine will not work for you! It is best to work out when you most feel energetic and then try to build an exercise regime around it.
4. Stretching prevents muscle painStretching is actually used to increase blood circulation.
5. Once you stop, muscle turns to fatMuscle and fat are completely different structures; hard muscle turns into soft muscle when you stop working out, NOT FAT.
6. A twenty minute jog will work wonders for beginnersRather, walk while you run. It is easier on your joints and tendons, and you are able to work out more intensely with periodic breaks.
7. You are bound to get hurtThrough careful exercise, injury is not unavoidable. In fact, the most common factor that causes one to stop exercising and that leads to injury is, over use.
SUTRA MAGAZINE attended the soul diva Regina Belle’s concert on 28 November 2007, at the Grand West Casino in Cape Town, South Africa.
And what a spectacular performance it was!
Accompanied by Phil Perry and Glen Jones, Regina Belle put up one of the most memorable performances that Cape Town, South Africa has ever seen!With many R&B ballads under her belt, this Grammy Award winner left many fans breathless with her smooth soulful sultry sounds!
Regina Belle surfaced as a creative, charming soloist on the urban contemporary scene. Born in New Jersey, Regina’s music career began in gospel, although she was also fascinated by R&B during her youth. Belle performed in a New Jersey vocal band, and her tertiary education encompassed opera and jazz.
Regina captivated the audience with accounts of past experiences and songs that had great significance in her life, the sentiment and passion she feels toward music and her fans were clearly illuminated. “People will see that I love God, that I love my family and that I absolutely love music. – Regina Belle”
By the words of Phil Perry, former band member of Earth Wind & Fire, “the concert and genre of music is old school mixed with the new, if there was no old school, there would be no new school, and it’s all about the Blues…!”
The concert was a breathtaking, set of much-loved R&B staples, swinging jazz standards, moody torch songs and old school classics – all conveyed in Belle’s intense choice of words and the lingering fire in her voice.
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And what a spectacular performance it was!
Accompanied by Phil Perry and Glen Jones, Regina Belle put up one of the most memorable performances that Cape Town, South Africa has ever seen!With many R&B ballads under her belt, this Grammy Award winner left many fans breathless with her smooth soulful sultry sounds!
Regina Belle surfaced as a creative, charming soloist on the urban contemporary scene. Born in New Jersey, Regina’s music career began in gospel, although she was also fascinated by R&B during her youth. Belle performed in a New Jersey vocal band, and her tertiary education encompassed opera and jazz.
Regina captivated the audience with accounts of past experiences and songs that had great significance in her life, the sentiment and passion she feels toward music and her fans were clearly illuminated. “People will see that I love God, that I love my family and that I absolutely love music. – Regina Belle”
By the words of Phil Perry, former band member of Earth Wind & Fire, “the concert and genre of music is old school mixed with the new, if there was no old school, there would be no new school, and it’s all about the Blues…!”
The concert was a breathtaking, set of much-loved R&B staples, swinging jazz standards, moody torch songs and old school classics – all conveyed in Belle’s intense choice of words and the lingering fire in her voice.
To share your experiences with great artists, email
2007 has undoubtedly left most of us feeling more than a little overworked, stressed and frazzled, but it’s finally time to get away from the boardroom and the office. The big question is; “Where do I go to relax, revitalize and energize?” SUTRA MAGAZINE HAS THE ANSWER!
Almora is one of the most beautiful places in Kumaon region in Uttaranchal. Almora is a very virgin hill-station and is full of scenic beauty. Nestled in the lap of nature this region has small houses built on the slopes and splendors of this place are added colorful attire of the natives. Just besides city flows the Koshi (Kaushaki) and Suyal (Salmali) rivers.
MussoorieIt is located at a height of 2,500 meters in the green Himalayan range. Due to its location and beauty Mussoorie is considered as the best hill station in the northern region. In 1820 Captain Young from the British army was influenced by the beauty of this place and made this place as his residence. The name, Mussoorie, is derived from plants of ’Mussoorie’ which were found in abundance here. The modern bungalows, malls and well-laid gardens, which are located on the small hills around the area, are enough to attract any tourist.
Once this area had many lakes and it was called the City of 60 lakes or ’Chakta’. Most of the lakes in the region have disappeared and whatever remains is just a glimpse of what they might have been in the past. Today the life of Nainital revolves around the lake of Naini. But there are few other lakes around Nainital, which are equally beautiful and attractive as the Naini Lake.
The valley of Gulmarg, a large meadow about 3-sq-kms in area, stands at 2,730 meters, 56-km south west of Srinagar. The name means ’Meadow of Flowers’ and in the spring it’s just that, a rolling meadow dotted with countless colourful Bluebells, Daisies, Forget Me Nots and Buttercups. The valley itself is about 3-km long and up to a km wide. All around are snow-capped mountains, and on a clear day one can see all the way to Nanga Parbat is one direction and Srinagar is another. It’s a popular day trip from Srinagar to Gulmarg, although many people extend their stay or use it as a base for trekking. The road from Srinagar rises gently towards the lower slopes of the range, passing through rice and maize fields.
The capital of Jammu and Kashmir and the largest city in the state, Srinagar (1,730m) is famous for its canals, houseboats and Mughal gardens. The city itself is quite unlike most other large Indian cities for here you are much more in Central Asia than on the sub continent. It’s a city full of intriguing alleyways and curious buildings. A place where it’s very easy to spend a few hours simply wandering - particularly along the old city streets near the Jhelum river.
At an altitude of 2,130m and about 95-km from Srinagar, Pahalgam is probably the most popular hill resort in the Kashmir valley. Since it is rather lower than Gulmarg the night time temperatures do not drop so low and it has the further advantage of the beautiful Lidder River running right through the town. Pahalgam is situated at the junction of the Aru and Sheshnag Rivers and surrounded by soaring, fir-covered mountains with bare, snow-capped peaks rising behind them.
It is needless to say that the experience is exceptionally exhilarating and invigorating, for these and other East Asian getaways, go to or get a copy of SUTRA™ MAGAZINE at your nearest retail outlet.
SUTRA MAGAZINE, on shelves now!
Almora is one of the most beautiful places in Kumaon region in Uttaranchal. Almora is a very virgin hill-station and is full of scenic beauty. Nestled in the lap of nature this region has small houses built on the slopes and splendors of this place are added colorful attire of the natives. Just besides city flows the Koshi (Kaushaki) and Suyal (Salmali) rivers.
MussoorieIt is located at a height of 2,500 meters in the green Himalayan range. Due to its location and beauty Mussoorie is considered as the best hill station in the northern region. In 1820 Captain Young from the British army was influenced by the beauty of this place and made this place as his residence. The name, Mussoorie, is derived from plants of ’Mussoorie’ which were found in abundance here. The modern bungalows, malls and well-laid gardens, which are located on the small hills around the area, are enough to attract any tourist.
Once this area had many lakes and it was called the City of 60 lakes or ’Chakta’. Most of the lakes in the region have disappeared and whatever remains is just a glimpse of what they might have been in the past. Today the life of Nainital revolves around the lake of Naini. But there are few other lakes around Nainital, which are equally beautiful and attractive as the Naini Lake.
The valley of Gulmarg, a large meadow about 3-sq-kms in area, stands at 2,730 meters, 56-km south west of Srinagar. The name means ’Meadow of Flowers’ and in the spring it’s just that, a rolling meadow dotted with countless colourful Bluebells, Daisies, Forget Me Nots and Buttercups. The valley itself is about 3-km long and up to a km wide. All around are snow-capped mountains, and on a clear day one can see all the way to Nanga Parbat is one direction and Srinagar is another. It’s a popular day trip from Srinagar to Gulmarg, although many people extend their stay or use it as a base for trekking. The road from Srinagar rises gently towards the lower slopes of the range, passing through rice and maize fields.
The capital of Jammu and Kashmir and the largest city in the state, Srinagar (1,730m) is famous for its canals, houseboats and Mughal gardens. The city itself is quite unlike most other large Indian cities for here you are much more in Central Asia than on the sub continent. It’s a city full of intriguing alleyways and curious buildings. A place where it’s very easy to spend a few hours simply wandering - particularly along the old city streets near the Jhelum river.
At an altitude of 2,130m and about 95-km from Srinagar, Pahalgam is probably the most popular hill resort in the Kashmir valley. Since it is rather lower than Gulmarg the night time temperatures do not drop so low and it has the further advantage of the beautiful Lidder River running right through the town. Pahalgam is situated at the junction of the Aru and Sheshnag Rivers and surrounded by soaring, fir-covered mountains with bare, snow-capped peaks rising behind them.
It is needless to say that the experience is exceptionally exhilarating and invigorating, for these and other East Asian getaways, go to or get a copy of SUTRA™ MAGAZINE at your nearest retail outlet.
SUTRA MAGAZINE, on shelves now!
Women, even in this day and age dream of that perfect fairytale wedding. Whether she is exquisitely dressed in white or elegantly draped in red, a key factor that makes her day is her hair and makeup.
In each edition, SUTRA Magazine takes you on a journey surrounding various elements of bridal beauty and hair.
SUTRA showcases professional make up artists and hairstylists; while also providing us with tricks of the trade for our own personal touch ups.
“The elaborate flower-infused hair piece of South Indian tradition has undergone a style revamp through the use of elaborate beading interwoven in the existing hair piece.
For the North Indian hair style, hair accessories encrusted with diamonds, pearl headgear and silver hairpins are fast becoming in vogue.
The overly made-up look of yester-year is a no-no, and bronzed glitter and shimmer is all the rage.
For tradition lovers, matte finishes are still used while the colours used are fresh and contemporary. Heavily kohl lined eyes with long eyelids painted with heavy mascara is the much-needed traditional touch.”
SUTRA gives us extensive information on wedding dresses and saris, venues, hair and make up, bridal jewellery, bridal accessories groom suits, skin care, and the perfect honeymoon destinations.
SUTRA is the ultimate wedding guide for your big day!
In each edition, SUTRA Magazine takes you on a journey surrounding various elements of bridal beauty and hair.
SUTRA showcases professional make up artists and hairstylists; while also providing us with tricks of the trade for our own personal touch ups.
“The elaborate flower-infused hair piece of South Indian tradition has undergone a style revamp through the use of elaborate beading interwoven in the existing hair piece.
For the North Indian hair style, hair accessories encrusted with diamonds, pearl headgear and silver hairpins are fast becoming in vogue.
The overly made-up look of yester-year is a no-no, and bronzed glitter and shimmer is all the rage.
For tradition lovers, matte finishes are still used while the colours used are fresh and contemporary. Heavily kohl lined eyes with long eyelids painted with heavy mascara is the much-needed traditional touch.”
SUTRA gives us extensive information on wedding dresses and saris, venues, hair and make up, bridal jewellery, bridal accessories groom suits, skin care, and the perfect honeymoon destinations.
SUTRA is the ultimate wedding guide for your big day!

Sutras commonly relate to the Vedas, that is; Ancient Hindu Scriptures of which there are three types. The Kalpa-sutras are rules of ritual; the Grihya-sutras are domestic rules regarding regular family matters such as marriage, and the Samayacharika-sutras concern customs and worldly duties.
South Africa’s premier lifestyle magazine, SUTRA™ has successfully brought these aspects and more together, adapted for the unique South African lifestyle in this cosmopolitan age.
Editor-in-chief, Dr. Kommal states that: “Indians in South Africa have over the years developed a very unique and intriguing culture that is deeply rooted in Indian values and culture, yet proudly South African. The Indian people of South Africa have always been a very dedicated, and hardworking, and are much more than simply Bollywood. We lead very complex lifestyles and it is about time that world knows this”.
SUTRA™ magazine is the ’thread’ that links and eases the change in our ways of life, from the traditional to the forward-thinking approach we know today.SUTRA™ strives to bring with one voice and enrich lives by providing relevant information based on positive ideals for individuals who know what they want and who are willing to take it.
“SUTRA may be an ancient concept but is in fact a modern approach. With the fast paced life in our global village, we need Sutra to keep us interestedly informed, enthusiastically entertained, and focused. All this in the palm of our hands!” Kamal Maharaj
In this season’s edition, readers can look forward to; Gavin Rajah the concept of this international fashion guru; Marriage across the colour line approve or disapprove; Your Wedding Sutra scrutinizes your big day; Love online the do’s and don’ts about internet dating. Sutra on Hair and Beauty; Restaurant Reviews; Festive Feelings Sutra celebrates at Eid and Diwali; Honeymoon Hotspots Sutra takes you on a journey to exquisite honeymoon destinations.

Sutra™ magazine’s editor in chief, Dr. Terrence Kommal was recently selected to profile on Who’s Who of Southern Africa. For the past 99 years Who’s Who of Southern Africa has strived to profile individuals in Southern Africa who, through their own expertise, genius and powerful efforts, have achieved more than most.
The database has become more representative of Southern African society with each passing year, as we endeavour to reflect the changing values of the region and contextualize the accomplishments of its citizens. Many in depth biographies are featured and compiled from information provided by the subjects.
The database includes an array of recognized South African leaders including Mr. Thabo Mbeki: President of the Republic of South Africa; Mr. Nelson Mandela: Former State president of the Republic of South Africa; Mr. Tokyo Sexwale: Non Executive Chair: Mvelaphanda Holdings; Mr. Mahesh Amarath: Chief Executive Officer DISA Hotels (Pty) Ltd; and Mrs. Helen Zille: Executive Mayor of the City of Cape Town.Achievement is not only about rank, title and wealth; it is about a great deal more. Who’s Who of Southern Africa wants to be sure that we include our leaders, our achievers, our champions and our heroes in equal measure.
Dr. Kommal meets these requirements in more ways that one.
He is a martial arts exponent with more than 12 years experience in the Shotokan style of the arts, and had been invited twice to the world championships. He was also a youth member of the Durban City Council and had undergone many training courses as offered by the council.
He has also served in the SANDF for many years as a commissioned officer and his specialised training in various fields including Specialised Field and Urban Insurgence Combat, Nuclear Chemical and Biological Warfare Disaster Management, various other United Nations courses. He further specialised in International Operations via UNITAR, United Nations and was admitted to the International Roll of HonourDr. Kommal’s academic career started early with him pursuing parallel degrees. At this moment he holds various qualifications including a Doctorate Degree, and various other legal and medical qualifications.
His academic excellence has been crowned and commended by being Nominated for full membership of the South Africa Royal Society, by Prof. Daya Reddy, Dean of Science and recipient of the South African Highest National Order - Mapungubwe Order. He was then awarded full membership to the Society by the National Executive Council, in recognition of academic research and work excellence.
His exposure into the business world started as a part-time data capturer at a freighting company. He noticed on a daily basis, that millions worth of IT related goods were being sent between various levels of wholesalers and distributors, leaving the consumer to bear the costs of this long chain of distribution. At that stage he identified the need for consumers to have direct access to IT related products and consumables. Within few months of this period he became the first business owner to make IT related consumables esp. CD’s and DVD’s available directly to retail chains, including the Edcon and Massmart Groups, and from the international exporters.
Through his experiences in the IT fields he had gained much exposure and insight in the online arena and began developing various applications online. These included wedding services websites, online B2B relations, 2010 portals and various other projects.
Dr. Kommal’s excellence in these fields had gained him much acclaim and he was awarded the SABC and International Marketing Council’s Top Ten Business Entrepreneur of the Year award by Lotus FM in 2004.
His business excellence was also recognised by various international corporations including People Interactive, the multinational services company that owns brands such as, the world’s largest matchmaking brand. He was offered partnerships with this and other companies for Southern Africa, but refused as he still felt that there was need to create a viable medium both into and for the Indian and related markets in South Africa.
Through the period that followed in these years, he was offered the all Africa license to publish a US based Indian Magazine, Nirvana Woman, in South Africa.
Soon after being awarded this license he met with Mr. Gavin Rajah to discuss the possibility further developing the Nirvana Magazine into a more South African product. After much deliberation and discussion they jointly decided that the Nirvana product had to be abandoned and a purely South Africa product be developed. Gavin was and is still very enthusiastic about this publication and came on board as a creative and strategic director. He took the great liberty of naming the publication as SUTRA.
Through the recent periods he has finalised the registration of subsidiary companies of Kommal Holdings, besides in South Africa, in London and Mumbai.
SUTRA Magazine look forwards to sharing further successes of this dynamic man, while he creates opportunities for South Africa using the Sutra brand as a stepping stone in the international market.
Congratulations Dr. Kommal!
Kommal Publishing (Pty) Ltd, a subsidiary of Kommal Holdings, is proud to launch the long- awaited publication SUTRA™ MAGAZINE at the Mount Nelson Hotel in Cape Town on 26 October 2007.This South African title has already received national acclaim, and has a steady growth of support and acclamation internationally.
The evening function was lit with the vibrancy and richness that is Indian culture, with guests adorned in Indian attire that flaunted elegance and beauty at its paramount.
Editor in Chief, Dr. T Kommal shared that:“The publication presents content that fuses lifestyle, culture, and fashion with a topping of bridal beauty.

This Indian lifestyle and fashion publication aims to confirm that although the lives led by Indians in this period are dynamic and very cosmopolitan; they are still culture-conscious and value- driven. SUTRA intends to prove, not only to the country, but also the international market that although Bollywood plays a major role in Indian culture, there is more to Indian people than just Bollywood.SUTRA caters for the discerning reader who wants exclusive content that is of a high standard of quality.
For too long has the Indian community been forced to buy imported publications when looking for a high-end publication. Now they have available to them a publication that is relevant to Indian people in South Africa, developed by Indians for Indians, and catering for their unique South African culture.
SUTRA MAGAZINE is a reference for the local and international arena for goods that are exclusively sourced for SUTRA’S collection of the highest quality products available internationally. The magazine serves as a medium for further development of the brand known as SUTRA, which is registered as a business entity in three continents with offices in Cape Town, Mumbai and London.

In this season’s edition, readers can look forward to; Gavin Rajah – the concept of this international Fashion Guru; Marriage across the colour line – learn what this means to those that have done just this; Your Wedding – SUTRA scrutinizes your big day; Love Online – your thoughts on internet dating; SUTRA on Hair and Beauty; Restaurant Reviews; Festive Feelings – SUTRA celebrates at Eid and Diwali; Honeymoon Hotspots – SUTRA takes you on a journey to exquisite honeymoon destinations.
This promising must-read is sure to set new standards in the industry; and with watchful eyes, we look forward to SUTRA’S inevitable development into an internationally renowned brand.”
The evening function was lit with the vibrancy and richness that is Indian culture, with guests adorned in Indian attire that flaunted elegance and beauty at its paramount.
Editor in Chief, Dr. T Kommal shared that:“The publication presents content that fuses lifestyle, culture, and fashion with a topping of bridal beauty.

This Indian lifestyle and fashion publication aims to confirm that although the lives led by Indians in this period are dynamic and very cosmopolitan; they are still culture-conscious and value- driven. SUTRA intends to prove, not only to the country, but also the international market that although Bollywood plays a major role in Indian culture, there is more to Indian people than just Bollywood.SUTRA caters for the discerning reader who wants exclusive content that is of a high standard of quality.
For too long has the Indian community been forced to buy imported publications when looking for a high-end publication. Now they have available to them a publication that is relevant to Indian people in South Africa, developed by Indians for Indians, and catering for their unique South African culture.
SUTRA MAGAZINE is a reference for the local and international arena for goods that are exclusively sourced for SUTRA’S collection of the highest quality products available internationally. The magazine serves as a medium for further development of the brand known as SUTRA, which is registered as a business entity in three continents with offices in Cape Town, Mumbai and London.

In this season’s edition, readers can look forward to; Gavin Rajah – the concept of this international Fashion Guru; Marriage across the colour line – learn what this means to those that have done just this; Your Wedding – SUTRA scrutinizes your big day; Love Online – your thoughts on internet dating; SUTRA on Hair and Beauty; Restaurant Reviews; Festive Feelings – SUTRA celebrates at Eid and Diwali; Honeymoon Hotspots – SUTRA takes you on a journey to exquisite honeymoon destinations.
This promising must-read is sure to set new standards in the industry; and with watchful eyes, we look forward to SUTRA’S inevitable development into an internationally renowned brand.”

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